Sunday, June 10, 2012

Checking In

I am now three weeks into my thirteen week internship (I haven't blogged yet due to email problems). The first two weeks consisted of intern training. We became familiar with procedures and teaching techniques, worked on cleaning, organizing, and taking inventory of the spaces used by the education department. The last two days of training were spent with K-5th graders from Hubble Elementary. They came in groups every half hour, during which I and the four other interns taught them theatre games. An older teacher monitored us throughout these two days to give us feedback. This past week was our first week of classes. I and one other intern assistant taught a class for 3-5th graders that was based on the Magic Treehouse books. The classes are from 9am to 4 pm, throughout the week we worked with the kids to put on a 30 minute show to present to their families on Friday. We taught stage basics like projection, memorization, interacting with your stage partner, etc.

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