Monday, January 9, 2012


The last day of the show went spectacularly. I got to work with a great cast and crew and had a great overall experience. Definitely something I would do again! While the show was exhausting to work on, the look came out how I wanted it too under budget which is great for a high school production.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Last Day of the Show

Yesterday went flawlessly! Even when one of the girl's hair fell out it was only a minor hiccup because it fell perfectly into the braid out of the bun, so it looked natural. The costumes look wonderful! It's so exciting to see all your hard work onstage. Turning in the budget worksheet and receipts today to my director. I have to say, working on the budget sheet taught me a lot about Excel I hadn't previously known. Good stuff to learn! The budget came out way under the 650 dollar budget. Costumes came in at around 125 dollars. The show looks great, and it was exhilarating to see the actor's excited about the show.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day one and day two

The first official dress rehearsal was very hectic! I had finished the aprons for two of the girls over the weekend and while one of them fit perfectly, the other definitely needed some alterations. I was happy to see that most of the garments that I was making were fitting very well and the alternations were working perfectly. While I still had a few alterations to do for various garments, the overall look of the show was in place.
The second rehearsal was much more intense. We worked more on hair for this one as we realized that in the first rehearsal that the girl's hair needed more bobby pins and hair spray to stay in through the multiple dancing scenes in the play. Braids and buns have been the top two hairstyles for this play as they usually stay out of the character's faces and look accurate. There have only been a few more adjustments that are necessary before tomorrow's final dress rehearsal.
Today I've been working on budget worksheets. I've been keeping my receipts of everything I have bought as materials for the play and am making a spreadsheet of how much I have spent and on what. I will then turn the worksheet and receipts to my supervisor to get repaid.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Official Start of Dress Rehearsal Week

Tomorrow starts the first official dress rehearsal! Although we have had the actors been wearing the costumes for the past few days to make sure the photographers from the local papers could take pictures that would accurately portray look of the show. I have been working on the aprons for two of the women today, trying to make them look individual. A majority of the costumes needed adjustments, so I have to have those done by tomorrow too! The dress rehearsals are very important in determining what needs to change before the final show. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get time to sit and watch the whole show, so I can change anything before the final shows.