Hey yo this is some of the stuff I've built while out here in Kentucky. My TD has spoken to me about how he wishes he could have given me a better position than swing carp after I've demonstrated my carpentry and problem solving.
The top two pictures are of the Inner/Outer orphanage unit (The big unit) for Annie, I was given a fron and a top elevation and had to figure it out from there. So I threw it into my CAD (SketchUp) and figured out all the crazy dimensions and angles and doors and made it work.
The next two pictures our designer for the show Frog Prince is what I would could--lacking, so his set design did not include an essential door unit or the king and queens thrones. He had left them to the props department. So being a swing carpenter the job fell to me to swing over into props carpentry.
The next two pictures our designer for the show Frog Prince is what I would could--lacking, so his set design did not include an essential door unit or the king and queens thrones. He had left them to the props department. So being a swing carpenter the job fell to me to swing over into props carpentry.
The door the props mistress has to be into a bedroom and rotate around to a banquet hall. however it didn't seem to reason that a regular rectangle door would fit in the show, and that is all I received. Built from 3/4 inch ply and luan, that top angle was a little tricky, as was hanging it, but it swings well now, and I'm proud.
The thrones in the bottom picture I was shown a clip-art throne and told "do this." Well I put my own spin on it and knowing there was a king and queen, decided to go with a his (right) and her (left) theme. Most of the thrones were built from scrap we had hanging around the shop, and they sit like a dream.
Yesterday I was really upset over my paycheck. I'm getting screwed by taxes and housing deposit, and can't make rent back in Ames, so what. Thanks Mom and Dad, you're great.
My TD has spoken with me about the potentiality of returning next year, as ATD. All I can say is that there had better be a substantial amount more money flowing my way to return. I like it here a lot and all, I just can't afford this sort of situation.
I think this summer is reaffirming that I want to be a TD. It seems like everyone who has a question carpentry-wise comes to me for advice...even the mastercarp and the ATD...and I'm just the "low man on the totem pole" swing carpenter.
I've also submitted my name into the mix for designing the fall show here. Its a new play called Dracula in Tombstone, Written by a local guy named Mickey Fisher. That'd mean I'd get to spend another week down here sometime during October if I'm chosen to design it. And a nice paycheck too.
We're mid Annie run. The build for Frog Prince is really easy, so We're on like half days, after our crazy 20 hours a day on the clock to finish up Annie. Monster energy baby!
We rep Annie/Frog Prince, then have the legend of Jenny Wiley coming up soon too. But for now, we're sitting pretty.
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