Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Load-In and Meet n Greet

LeakyCon. Definition: clusterf***. Don't get me wrong, today was fun. The load-in went super quick and almost everyone was pretty cheerful and nice. EVERYONE was excited. Load-in really took a very short time seeing as how we had about 80 people helping. We weren't able to do a complete set up, however. We brought all the set and orchestra pieces into the ballroom where the stage is going to be set up, but the space we're to perform in appeared to already be set up for other events that are to take place there. That means that tomorrow we're going to have to hustle to get everything officially set up and put together where it actually needs to be--tomorrow or the next day, I guess. Also, Taylor and I were informed at the last minute that we needed to build a bathroom sink. We were then handed two tattered cardboard boxes with which to accomplish this, and set free to create. THAT was definitely exciting.

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