Saturday, June 7, 2014

The people make up for the lacking work related artistic fulfillment

We opened the first show last night. It didn't go very well, but I guess that's what happens when you try to make a play with full design elements and everything in just a week. I get to try again with the other two shows i'm in so we'll see if those go any better. Now that we opened, not only do we not perform that show again for 2 weeks, but we also don't have a single rehearsal for it between now and then. The planning seems a little ridiculous sometimes. Especially since they've been doing this for 47 years before I got here and still haven't figured so many things out.

I do really enjoy being here though. The people are all very nice for the most part and I like engaging with them. Which is nice because its not atypical for me to find myself avoiding conversations with people under a large variety of other circumstances. Other than two of the company members who are in a relationship, there hasn't been any problems with cliques or even people who stick together all the time. Most of us are kind of like free agents on the social side of things, but in a really interesting way that still lets us all connect with each other person without a hitch. We are all getting comfortable with each other and there are plenty of jokes and poking fun at one another. It is a very livable environment.

I have plenty of complaints about how the theatre is operated but my cohorts are all really great people as far as I can tell. I only wish a few of them would take a little more pride in what they do. Not just on stage, but in their technical assignments as well. It has gotten better though. I recognize that I am an idealist. And sometimes my ideal is not feasible. Actually it rarely is. But when the bar is high, even a failure looks like something magnificent to those who are used to bars of the lower variety. I just don't understand why you would waste your time doing something half way. We don't get to redo anything in life. It will always cost you more precious time to go back and do something again. And I know how limited time really is. It just confuses me when other people seem to disregard how transient our existence is and how important it is that we use every minute to its fullest potential while setting ourselves up to use the next minute to its fullest ability as well, instead of having to use the next 3 minutes to go back and fix what we did without really doing in the last one.

I know that is a really confusing train of thought, but there is meaning there somewhere.

Anyways, back to the theater. =]


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