Tuesday, June 3, 2014

chops internship

hello all!
I just wanted to take a few minutes to tell everyone whats going on with my internship. I had one lined up all nice and pretty up in Minneapolis at Secoa-a theatre supply company- what it was going to involve was actually the management side of things- checking orders and packing list against  CAD drawings and customer specs, as well as going out to job sites to set up things like permanent rigging instillation like i did last summer, and  various other details. this position was basically an experimental position they wanted to try out on an intern before they made it a full time job. the unfortunate thing is, the higher ups in the company decided that they like the idea of the position so much that they opted out of the trial stage and are now looking for a full time person instead.
 so now i'm looking for something else. I have several possibilities but am waiting to hear back- though some of them seem like a done deal at this this point. the option that are looking best so far are Dallas Children's Theatre, and The Eisemann center in Richardson Texas. as soon as I know more I will let you know!

Thanks for reading!
Justin (Chops) Voga

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