Monday, June 10, 2013

Pippin 6/5 & 6/6

   Wednesday was a much needed choreography rehearsal, and as I worked on many of the numbers in the show, I had a lot of things to focus on. One of the hardest things I have found with my role as a choreographer and a performer in the same show is the challenge in having to remove myself from the scene. It is hard to play two specific roles such as these, because as a choreographer, I need to see how the dance looks from the audience, but as a performer, I need to be in the dance to work with spacing and such; its a hard role to balance (which is now why I see the wisdom in Brad's advice of never being in the show you are working on - it’s difficult to balance).
Overall, we made a lot of progress with the choreography - I finally got to finish my last two dances, both of which look really great - but I am worried for the next few rehearsals, because as this is new material, the cast may not remember all of this new material - we need more rehearsal time! Problem is, tech week is next week...
     As for Thursday, we had a run-thru of the now-completed show. We actually made decent time with it, as the cast was actively listening and watching for their cues for set changes (one of the weakest spots in the show).
The other area we need help with is with music – it feels like everyone has forgotten all the hard work we put into rehearsing the music, so making mistakes in the music with where we are now is a problem; I think it would really help if we had another music rehearsal, but everyone has to put in some work on their own. As some of the numbers still sound a little raw, I get nervous to think how they will sound this week (especially after we add the orchestra, using props, and starting with costumes as well). I hope everyone does their part over the weekend.

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