Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Actor's Gym Day 4

Hey y'all. I'm going to tell you about my fourth day here at the Actor's Gym. Once again, believe it or not, it was really hard. And I am also super sore again. These classes have given me one of the best workouts I have ever had though. They are so fun though. My big challenge is going to be how to figure out how to keep this kind of workout going again in Ames. These are awesome skills to have learned and I want to continue them.

Today was the 2nd day of the Circus class.I still fully believe that the warm-ups are the hardest thing about these classes. After having stretched and everything. We worked on our floor techniques. That includes handstands, cartwheels, rollouts, etc... We worked on proper cartwheel technique last time. Yes there is a proper technique. From there we expanded into doing a running cartwheel. Sylvia our teacher was pretty impressed with how well we picked it up, so we started doing a drill to move onto doing an aerial. Or a no handed cartwheel. That is something I have wanted to learn for a while just because they look so cool.

After all of that nonsense we moved on and split into 2 separate groups. We all did the same stuff, just at different times. My group started off with a floor skill. This was called the rolling ball, or the globe. The globe is essential a giant, hard ball that you stand on and balance. I however am not too good at it. We got to do it about three times. By the third time I got the hang of it. We had to walk the ball forward and backward and turn around while on top of it.

After that we went on to Spanish Web. We basically did all of the same things I talked about yesterday. with a couple of added inverts. That being where you go upside down. I am exhausted after doing all of that today. With that being said I am going to call it a night.


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