Monday, June 24, 2013

Annie-Act 2

    The past few nights we've been working out Act 2. The girls have been improving significantly on their dancing. Unfortunately, they still think they need their scripts. I keep stressing how important it is to be offbook by July. I've even used the incentive of treats if they can have all their lines, songs, and dances down by then. They loved that. Yesterday, I brought them to a separate room while the adults were practicing onstage so they could practice their lines. I had all of us get in a circle so I could talk to them about the idea of not anticipating their lines. Tristan, a petite little girl that plays Molly, is just the sweetest thing and she's having trouble pulling out her inner-Hannigan so I've been working with her one-on-on, as well. I think the girls are all finally warming up to me. We all joke around with each other all the time which makes the experience much less stressful for them and I.

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