Tuesday, May 17, 2011

PRT Day 1 and 2

Hey, this is Josh reporting from Brookings, South Dakota. With all the business going on I forgot to post last night about my first day so here it goes. Yesterday was just a big meeting day and orientation to get the low-down on what is going to happen over the next couple of months. We got our schedules and had a picnic to end the day. It was actually pretty cool and everyone seems really nice, can't wait to start.

So the second day involved 9 hours of scene work which was actually sweet!! I'm Master Carpenter for Church Basement Ladies and Almost Main now so it's nice to have that leadership in the shop. We started building the New York Style flats, which I haven't done before. They explained it to me and now I get it lol. Tomorrow will be the same as today, but I'm hoping to get all the flats done and put muslin on them as well.

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