Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Tale of Snow White: Time

     We have finished blocking the show. This week we started working through scene by scene and wringing from each what we can. A lot of what we have do is slow the kids down. They can process information very fast, however, the audience has to be able to see and understand it. This is another reason why we have been incorporating rhythm so much. With a steady pace, kept by their fellow ensemble mates, they're less willing to rush forward. Rushing, as some of them have figured out already, makes you look "silly".
   This week we also discovered how important it is to make your rehearsal schedule as specific as possible. If you call people who aren't needed or assume you can do more than time actually allows, you have extra people. If you have extra people, they will sit in the house and unintentionally distract the people who are on stage.

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