Thursday, August 2, 2012

I think my work shop went well!

Today I did my improv workshop and it was totally amazing, I was so worried!  I really wanted to teach these kids, but I also was very nervous because I had never really done a workshop before.  We tried so many different games, and not only did i teach them I also learned myself.  Watching those kids laugh was amazing especially when you could totally tell when a student has such potential.  Its like a light bulb goes off and they finally let go.  I do admit it was a lot more difficult to teach the younger ones improv, just because I really wanted them to learn the basics and what it really takes to be able to do improv.  We played a lot of eye contact games, animal walks, basically just little games that would help them in the future.  I have one more workshop tomorrow and I cannot wait to see how it goes!!!

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