Friday, July 6, 2012

Lyra and House Managing

On Tuesday we learned lyra, which is a vertical. steel hoop suspended from two supports. I consider it the most difficult aerial apparatus. Technique-wise, double silks is the most challenging, but lyra not only requires a lot of core strength, but is also very painful because it's steel and a lot of the movements start with the lyra supporting you at the base of your spine or your hipbones. I was not very good at lyra, partly because only one was the appropriate size for someone my height and I wasn't consistently able to practice on that one, but mostly because it's just a difficult apparatus in general.

The last two days I house managed my first show. It was done by the children's intensive class, and was pretty impressive for a group of kids between the ages of 7 and 14. I was pretty excited to house manage and consider myself very lucky to have been given the opportunity to help out more at the Gym. I also got a nifty staff shirt so things are getting legit.


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