Friday, July 13, 2012

The Improv Story (Abridged Version)

Since last week's post was a novel, this one will be a summary:

Started off with Zip Zap Zop Beep

Everybody Go: Do a silly motion and say "Everybody go_____" (the motion). Everyone says yes! and does the motion.

Teacup: One person says a phrase, the person next to them must repeat their words exactly. Inevitably, the words will sound different, until we end up with Gibberish

Story: Tell a story one person at a time, 6 people per chapter. I went during the last chapter, and pulled some information from the first chapter, which my instructor was impressed with. It is very interesting to watch a story develop, one idea at a time.

Switch Interview: Start as an interviewer, given a topic. Mine was video games. Create a persona for your interviewer; I give mine Princess Peach. Point of the exercise: make the interview interesting, and it will be funny. Do not try to be funny-you will not be funny.

Freeze: Two people do a short scene, the rest of the class has their backs turned. Referee yells "freeze", and two people tap the players out, adopting their positions. They must create a new scene entirely based off of the positions they begin in. I was placed with my hands on my head, and the person across from me had a hand out. She begged for money, I was angry at her, she wanted money for Cousins Subs, I said I might have given her money if she had said subway, she said "Better bread better subs!" (Cousins slogan) and I said $5 footlong! We were then froze and switched out.

Ended with a count to 20.

 Going to the 10:00 show tonight to watch some of my friends who won the Recreation League play against real players!

Over and Out,

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