Friday, May 4, 2012

The rest of my internship with GOT Gilms

Let's see, I helped out on set with a cancer prevention colonoscopy commercial. Which basically meant that I did some set up then I stood around for two hours waiting for this diva of a man to decide whether his makeup was fine or not and by the time I had left they still hadn't shot anything because they were still putting makeup on him. :/

I met with the makeup artist Jim Sacca a few times and we talked about what he does and how successful he is. Fun. We did not do any makeup tutorials or anything because his makeup was apparently to expensive to "play" with.

I spent some time in the office writing up invoices for the company.

Probably the most exciting thing I did was do a workshop with the makeup artist, Debra Weite, which was a lot of fun and she seemed to do more of the things that I was interested in as a makeup artist. She does a lot of gore and not a lot of glamour so we got along really well.

My trip to Vegas was a rocky one, but I got a few good things out of it. I'm definitely glad I'm home.

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