Thursday, May 24, 2012

Field Managing and Free Cake

Hello all!

On the day I was supposed to be a mascot, it was about 90 degrees out. My boss decided to not kill me, so instead he had me train to be a field manager (stage manager. We don't have a stage, we have astroturf!) They manage the players, telling them updates on schedules and timing, and we also run the light board.
I parked this weekend, entertaining the showgoers with russian accents, pirouettes and pretending that they needed a registration number or color. They were really confused, and I gave them all sorts of fake numbers and colors to tell Alex, the ticket manager. He played along fantastically, and everyone enjoyed the tomfoolery. And two groups of little girls asked to take a picture with me after the show, which was so adorable I almost exploded.
During the week I did some handiwork for the building (and I got paid for it, boom!), which was greatly needed. I am now an expert spiky weed-puller and can use a shop vac. Why they trust me with power tools I will never know...
We had a team meeting and discussed improv practices for everyone to brush up on their skills. I am allowed to go and observe so I can begin to learn the games, and I start actual classes In June. Everyone has to take level 101-103 Improv classes and play in the Recreational League before they can be promoted to a player, so my journey begins now!

Over and out,

P.S.: Free double chocolate cake at the meeting. I love my job.

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