Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday, October 6th

Today, Renata, Blaine, and I went to the other floors of the building so Renata could show us where everything was and introduce us to people we will need to know. Today we only got to see the 6th and 7th floors which we never go to since we're on the 8th floor. The 6th floor is the Motown brand of our label and it's smaller than our floor. That's where Barry Weiss's office is and he is another extremely important person to the business like Monte is. We didn't get to meet him, but we saw where his office was and met some of the people that work for him. We went to Motown's publicity department and figured out what they do for a job and it was really interesting. After the 6th floor, we went to the 7th floor which is like another branch of the 8th floor. It's still smaller than our floor, but a little bigger than the 6th floor. The 7th floor is where we go to drop off our UPS packages and it has the conference room that holds the huge important meetings with Monte, Barry, and the other heads of the company. The 7th floor is extremely confusing, so Blaine and I made a map for it when we got back to the 8th floor. For the rest of the day, we worked on informative things to add to the intern folder for future interns. We mapped out the 8th floor and added important passwords and log in names. The day went by really fast today because we got to poke around everywhere.

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