Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday, September 29th

Now that Monte is back in New York and back in the office, my days are a little more regular. Today I did the normal tasks of getting the food and tea for Monte and turning on the lights and unlocking doors around the office. Then I sat down and archived some emails in his office and then did the call sheet out at Renata's desk. Once all the computer work was done, I opened all of Monte's mail. All of his mail is to be opened and taken out of the envelopes and stapled together. I have to separate the mail into a business pile and a home pile and then place them on his desk. Once the mail was finished, Renata had to go in to Monte's office for a three hour meeting with some guests that came in. That didn't leave a lot for me and the other intern to do, so I did a lot of artist news and wrote a piece on Jessie J and Nicki Minaj. It was a pretty stereotypical day and I didn't mind it too much. It was kind of nice to keep to myself and my work and get a lot done. I spent a lot of time on the computer and I organized my desk space a little so I feel more settled in.

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