Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday, September 15th

Today was kind of a hectic day. We had an Australian artist come in. His name is Gotye and he came in with his management team to discuss signing him to our label. A few minutes before they came in to the office, Monte pulled me and Renata aside and explained to us that every record label in the business is trying to sign Gotye, but we need to get him. To make Gotye and his team more comfortable, Monte had the office go on a mad hunt for The Book of Mormon tickets for that night. The musical was in about 3 hours and we had to find 4 orchestra center seats, which was nearly impossible. After making a few phone called, Renata finally found some and we were able to give the tickets to Gotye and his team when he was done with his meeting with Monte. A majority of the day was spent greeting people at the door and taking them to the lounge to wait for their meeting with Monte. I performed the standard procedure of asking if they want anything to drink and then saying that Monte will be with them shortly. There wasn't as much office work today as there was people work, and it was a nice change of pace.

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