Saturday, July 5, 2014

Last one!

 Yay! So, we made it through tech week and the three performances. I did not get to see any of the actual performances, but welcome to 2 theatre gigs and another part-time job to pay the bills. Anyway, the kids made it through their performances with little to no trouble. The run-crew kept everything together. Nobody completely lost their sanity, but some came very close and now I know to choose your theatre jobs better. I failed to take pictures of the production, but I know that Boone Community Theatre has them and I am allowed to take them from their Facebook page.

So, I know I've complained a bit about this gig, but overall it has been a great learning experience and I'll be sure to utilize the information and lessons I have learned during it. I hope everyone has a great rest of their summer.

Signing off for the last time,

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