Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday, December 20th

Today, we had another intern listening session. This one was for King Charles who is an artist from the UK who hasn't really had his big break out yet. They're trying to figure out what songs to put on his EP album that will be released in the US next year, and they're also trying to figure out what song they want to launch as his new single. To figure out which songs to pick for what, they have all of the interns go in to the lounge and listen to his entire album and then write down comments and a score out of 10 for each song. This album had about 15 songs on it and we had to listen to it twice, so it took a long time to complete. But it was fun to hear unreleased music and I was actually a huge fan of his music. I would definitely buy the album when it comes out. After we got out of the intern session, we came back and finished all of the normal tasks and put away a whole bunch of new CDs that we got delivered to us.

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