Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Week After Recital

We still had classes the week after recital. These were our last classes for the session. In these classes we did two things as a closing:

1. All the kids came in their costumes. The parents got to come in and take pictures.

2. We filled out skill cards. Theses skill cards are much like report cards. There is a list of skills and each kid must perform it. The kids are then graded on a scale of 1-5 (1 being the kid couldn't do it at all and 5 being the kid did it perfectly). These are then assessed and the teachers decided whether the kid should move up a class or stay in the same class.  There are a lot of skills on these cards so it was a struggle to get it all done, especially with the picture taking, but they were completed.

I am so thankful for my dance teaching time at APR. I hope to continue to learn and continue to teach.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Recital finally came! We had it last Sunday and it went great! As always, there were a few good things along with a few bad.

Probably the worst thing that happened was that our sound guy didn't show up. No one knows why but there was a bit of a panic for a while. The dance and gymnastics supervisor ended up having to do it. Though it was great that she did it, there were a lot of complications with it. Many of the songs were started late, which really screws up the kids. I appreciate her trying her hardest, but it was frustrating for us teachers. We just want our dancers to do well and things like this can really mess them up.

Other than the music, there were no technical complications. Also, as far as I know, there were no costume malfunctions. There was a lot less crying and the kids were so excited! A lot of them got flowers and a lot of grandparents and family came to watch. This made the kids even more excited and meant a lot to them. Besides the music starting late, the dances were good. I am very proud of all the students!

Recital is what makes this job worth it. Seeing the kids so happy and excited is such a great feeling. All of the hard work and stress is forgotten about and the day is enjoyed. When it's all over, a great feeling of accomplishment comes over the teachers and students. Having the kids come up to you after and thanking you and hugging you, and having the parents thank you too, is a great feeling also. Recital reminds me why I love my job!

Dress Rehearsal

Dress Rehearsal was on Friday and overall went very well. There were a few complications though, which is normal for any dress rehearsal.

1. Since they are small children, there are always a few shy ones that start crying. It becomes a battle to get them to go on a stage. A few didn't end up going on, but all of us teachers tried our hardest. It is important to not get mad at the kids for this. They are young and don't know any better.

2. Another problem with small kids is that you will never know how well they will perform. Some freeze up once they get in front of a large audience and act like they have never learned the dance before. Because of this, us teachers sometimes have to adjust what we are doing. Some teachers have to dance on stage with the students.

3. There are always costume malfunctions at dress rehearsals. The ladybugs didn't know which way to wear their wings. The headbands were too small for the teeny ballet class and had to be turned into hair bows. The straps on a ballet costume were too big. All of these things can be fixed though. That is the point of a dress rehearsal.

Despite these things, rehearsal went great and very smoothly. It took a long time, but it is so important for not only the kids to do it, but the teachers as well.