Sunday, July 31, 2011
Goodbye California Breeze and Hello Iowa Heat
So my internship has officially come to a close and I am so sorry to see it end. I have never had such a wonderful and memorable summer. I've been fortunate to be a part of so many great experiences and I have met such wonderful people in my short time here.
For my last night here, I am sitting in a rehearsal for a new musical entitled Rocket Science (recent winner of the Richard Rogers Award). I was fortunate enough to actually take part in the casting process about two weeks and I can't tell you what an interesting and awesome experience that was. It was so cool to experience the other side of auditions for once. It was really eye opening to see the process behind a professional audition, and the biggest thing I think I learned was to not to take it personally if I do not get cast. And wow! What great talent there is in LA. I only wish I could see the entire process all the way through the performance!
So since I last posted, I have continued to take classes at The Groundlings as well as I finished up a comedy sketch writing class I was taking in West Hollywood and today I had my last boxing class at my local gym. (Creepers beware!) I can't tell you what amazing friends I have made because of these classes. And each week my friends and I go to two or three comedy shows at The Groundlings as we get tickets very cheap because we are students. Last night I went with a friend to a UCB (Upright Citizens Brigade) comedy show, which I must say I wasn't impressed. I much perfer The Groundlings style (think SNL). However I think it's only fair to give UCB another shot when I return to LA.
So as my internship comes to a close, my thoughts go ahead to next summer. I've been invited to return to LA and work with the Festival (which I would love!) and on Thursday I also went into The Groundlings office and talked about the possibility of an internship with them, so we'll see what happens. =) Either way, I can't wait to return to L.A. and all of the traffic that goes along with it! (I survived Carmageddon! haha)
But even with all of the fun I've had this summer, I am so excited to get back to ISU! I can't wait to see you all and get back into some ISU theatre! I'll be seeing you all soon! =)
Friday, July 29, 2011
Last night we were forced to call off our show due to a huge storm in the area. We only made it through the opening number before we had to make the announcement and clear everyone out of the park. Our executive producer had a friend in the audience with his five year old son who was SO excited, just beside himself, to see the Cat in the Hat. He settled in near the front with his blankie and his Cat in the Hat stuffed toy just doe-eyed for the show. He saw about seven minutes of the show and we made the announcement to clear the park. His dad was so sad he had to tell this little boy they were leaving and he wouldn't see the rest of the show. "Come on son we have to leave now." he said. And the little boy replied, "Thanks, Dad, that was best show I've ever seen!"
Ah, children and theatre....
Also, we have just announced our upcoming season: Sweeney Todd, Sweet Charity, A Disney Double Feature of Cinderella and Jungle Book (yes that's two shows every night for two weeks!), Urinetown, and You're A Good Man Charlie Brown
This is a big change in our theatre considering we usually only do family friendly "PG"ish shows...and we usually only do four. I love our new executive producer and what he's doing for us... but I have to be honest, that's some scary changes! We just want to know if we get paid more! ; )
4th of July weekend
From doing the construction and much of the designing of what the set would look like, I have learned a few things. First of all, I have learned that I do have some artistic talent, so I will stop saying that I do not have any. It is not my area of concentration, but I enjoyed experimenting and working on something new that I am not completely comfortable with and getting to learn how much work it actually takes to create a cohesive design. Second of all, I have most certainly learned a respect for set painters and art designers. They make their jobs look easy and now I know how much it truly takes to make it look as simple as it really is not.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
PRT past week and a half update
So it's been a little over a week since I have talked to you last and I'd like to go through a couple things and what has happened for me.
Starting off where I left off last time, we went to Apple River and camped for a night. Apple River consists of tying inner tubes together and floating for 3 hours, really fun, rocks hurt. It was so hot and humid that I literally sweated for a good two days straight. Hey, at least I'm keeping hydrated! That was on Monday, Tuesday we headed to Minneapolis and hit up the Mall of America where we shopped for a couple hours. Here the best thing happened to me. I was going to the bathroom (I know, but this is why it's the best thing) and in my stall I noticed an entertainment type of newspaper talking about movies and shows and what not. I was reading through it and saw that there was a production of Waiting For Godot that was being performed that weekend in an abandoned theater, unfortunately I couldn't go. Anyway on the back was an ad that said "God of Carnage now performing at the Guthrie" so me and Tamara (Ms. Tamara White accompanied me on my trip :) ) went and got rush tickets for God of Carnage at 730 in the Guthrie proscenium stage. And let me tell you that it was really really good. The set was great, acting was good, and all in all very funny. After the show we met up with an old friend of Tamara's and had a few drinks (I didn't because I was driving) and hit the road and got home at 4 am...
Wednesday came and it was our last performance of Arsenic and Old Lace, kind of bitter sweet. We had a really good house for that night and things were going really well. However, we have a company member who decided to change up the ending a bit (he's a principle character mind you) and "come back to life" after I have supposedly knocked him out. This little event was not known by the 3 of us characters onstage at the moment and when that happened what do I do? I instinctively tackle him back to the ground and hit him in the head one more time. not even thinking, it was pretty sweet, love being in the moment. We played it off like we knew what we were doing but behind the scenes I was not a happy camper. Our patrons pay to see the same show every night and when things like this happens, well, it's just not professional. So strike for the AOL came after and that came down quickly as well for being a big set. After we were done loading the U haul with AOL we started building Crazy for You. So the biggest problem I have had with this company is that the majority of members will sit there and talk and complain rather than work. We all knew it was going to be a long night, but it doesn't help when some of the people just stand there and complain how they aren't going to get to bed til 4am. There were 2 units that I guarantee wouldn't have gotten done if I hadn't started on them. And people wonder why I get frustrated. Anyway we got CFY damn near complete when we decided to head back to Brookings. There we had to then unpack AOL from the truck. We didn't get done till 330am that morning and we had rehearsal for CFY at 11am. Love rep!
So we had a pick up rehearsal on Thursday which went well and then a performance that night. You could tell that it was dragging and we were lacking energy because we had only 5 hours of sleep and then a rehearsal which should be counted as a performance with how hard we went. I personally stayed to get things done with the set and then performance. *phew* Busy, busy.
Just a side note, it's really hard to perform two different shows back to back in two days. Well, not necessarily hard but it's exhausting. Two different characters in two days as well. But it was fun nonetheless. and this actually added up to 8 straight performances for audiences. My endurance has grown so much in that sense. Crazy for You's run went really well and I'm glad that I'm finally done with performing for the summer. Now I can just relax. Another note, the actor who changed the ending for AOL is also in the ensemble for CFY, and he is the type of person not to care if he's in the ensemble. Decided to instead of actively listen and help tell the story, decides to come up with new bits and one liners ever night to make people laugh, however, that pulls focus and messes up timing with the others onstage who are actually trying to put on the show that was directed. I have to write a paper at the end of the summer and so I'll put it up and that'll have more details.
Other than the little things I really am still having a good time here, unfortunately I only have a week left. I'm going to miss everyone here. The major things I have learned are that I'm patient, hard working, can put on multiple shows in days, my people skills are still good, and I have learned not to put up with dumb people, if I have a choice. Along with my shop skills and tap skills I think this whole experience was great and I learned a lot I wouldn't have if I would have stayed home and done a community theater show or something. I don't regret anything that I have done this summer and can't wait to get back and show everyone what I have learned about myself and theatre.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Sweating out Toxins
For The legend of Jenny Wiley there is no backdrop, there is no cyc, no curtains. But wooded mountains, we have that. They needed an entrance upstage center, so we carved steps into the clay of the mountain and paved it with other stone from another.
Curtainbox Theatre Co, Ninth Post
Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve posted. The office is a brick oven when it’s super hot out, so Kim decided to cancel class on the 18th for the students’ safety. This week it finally cooled down a little, so we had class on Monday. After doing a few warm-ups, including sound ball which the students are getting really good at, we read through two of the final scenes, including the scene for the pair I was working with last week. It was really fun to see the students perform, even though it was only a cold reading. It was apparent that the students had internalized many things that we had taught them, such as articulation and projecting. This is particularly notable, as autistic individuals in general have a strong tendency to mumble or stutter. One student in particular often can only rapidly repeat the first syllable of what he is trying to say. Fortunately, this can be dealt with by counting down from three to the student. I don’t know specifically why this works, but I’d guess that it has something to do with the fact that autistic children take everything literally (sarcasm, for example does not register with them), and the student would not understand that the countdown at its core has no power or meaning.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Finally a Strike
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Last day in Santa Fe!
I had a busy week--after first dress on Monday night, the designer (Allen Moyer) decided that one of the costumes wasn't working, and the team that built the first costume had too much to do for "Wozzeck" the last opera, and couldn't build a new costume. So it fell to my team to build a new pair of pajamas for the title character! Since second dress was the next night, they pulled a pair of PJs from stock, and sent the shopper out looking for animal print fabrics. He came back with about a dozen swatches, Allen picked one, the shopper went back and bought the fabric, and we were off and running! We got the basic garment pieces done, had a fitting with the singer (Daniel Okulitsch, who is a real Barihunk!), and finished them up in time for final dress on Thursday night! Whew! So I'm excited to see everything on stage tonight!
And then, in the morning, I hit the road! I'll get home early evening on Monday. I can hardly wait! It's been a fun summer, even with the fires, and road construction, but I'll be glad to be home! See you soon!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
I have had a great time here and hope that i will be able to return in the future to continue spreading the art and getting people excited about shakespeare. Even though I am tired and cranky and mostly sick of the people I a working with at this point, I am having a great time.
One thing that i have learned about being an intern specifically, is that the information you recieve about what is going on is predominately information that is absolutely necessary for you to know. If there are things that are happening or decisions being made that are for or about the company, you probably wont hear about them, or know that such things are being talked about. That is frustrating, especially for me because I really like to be involved and part of the creative and decision making process. I hope that in the future, if I do make it back to Great River, I will be able to lend my thoughts to the important decisions. Or maybe not even the important ones, just any decision in general.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Hairspray is Open!
So... I'll see you at the show.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
PRT Update
Weather update, I don't know about you guys but we have had the worst humidity I have ever experienced! I'm sweating from just typing this! However, we have had pretty cool heat lightning storms that have been fun to watch.
The next two days we have off so the company is traveling to Apple River in Minnesota for a day of relaxation, can't wait for that! That's going to feel great in this heat! I'll let y'all know how it goes, hopefully I don't get sunburned again...
TaTa for now!
Beauty Plays 12
Saturday, July 16, 2011
The Show Is Over
Final Day of Final Battle
Friday, July 15, 2011
Showtime = OUR Final Battle
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Tech/Dress Rehearsal & DH p2!!!
Opening Tomorrow!
Two More Days Down, Tomorrow We Open
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Beauty Plays 11
First rehearsal
Done with Brookings, now down to Brandon
First off the day after we opened I went to the pool for a couple hours for the first time of the summer. It was a really nice way to spend the afternoon especially after working for 6 weeks straight. The unfortunate part of it was that I forgot to put on sunscreen and I ended up getting a sunburn over my entire upper body! I was going to put some on..but low and behold I forgot. The only conciquence was being very uncomfortable and hot in my costume for CFY. But I had a smile on my face for the whole performance and didn't show my pain one bit! Those couple days taught me to A) use sunscreen and B) to except responsiblity and fight through it and not complain, because it's my own fault.
Anyway, the run went really well, smaller houses the last couple of nights, but the audience members were real responsive and that's all you need. Saturday we did a promo in the park at 'Arts in the Park' where we performed a couple numbers from CFY and Church Basement Ladies. That experience was great because it got residents of Brookings excited to come see the shows. However it was really really hot and all of us were drenched in sweat after the first number, but hey, no pain no gain right? We had our last two performances after that, which meant that we would be finally moving down to Brandon.
Oh, side tangent, so Friday last week I got invited down with the light crew to go to HuHot which I thought was pretty cool. But I soon found out that I would be hanging lights for 4 hours before we went to wasn't too bad, I got to learn how to read a light plot really well and what gels go where and how that is all set up. The only problem is that I still had quite the sunburn at that point and I was really uncomfortable. I didn't get home until a half hour before call, so that day was kind of a bust. Brandon I'd like to note is a great performance space! They have a great working double purchase system, a fly-space that is real big, I'd like to compare it to CY but I know it isn't that big. Their stage is made up of material that fills itself back in once you take the screws out. And below the stage, the orchestra pit is on hydraulics so that's sweet. 3 cat walks and a big ol' lighting and sound booth with a nice table and chairs for the stage manager. This place seats 800 and has a great balcony. It truly is incredible and it's only a high school!!! I don't even know if the kids there know how privileged they are to have a space like that.
So tangent over. Monday I drove down to Brandon with a crew to set up the first show in Brandon, CBL. It really only took a total of 3 hours to set up the whole thing along with adjusting lights and unloading Arsenic and Old Lace backstage as well. What's also cool about Brandon is that we can have all the other shows back stage and we can be working on them while another show is up. Tuesday I sat in on a pick up rehearsal and took notes about finishing touch-ups that need to be done on the set.
Well today is opening night at Brandon and we have damn near sold out tonight's show so that's exciting! That was my week in a couple paragraphs. I can't believe I only have 3 weeks left of this internship, it's going by too fast! Hope all is well back in Iowa!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Load In
Load-In and Meet n Greet
Day 1 - Introductions
Curtainbox Theatre Co, Eighth Post
The building that houses the Curtainbox's office was originally part of an orphanage complex built about a century ago. The office features some fantastic sections of exposed, decaying brick; a high, vaulted ceiling; and an old freight elevator. However, the building is not insulated or air conditioned except for two window units, which means that my autism class yesterday was brutally hot. Because of this, the students were particularly unfocused, and either very antsy or tired. Even one of our most high-functioning students (the playwright from a few weeks ago), kept asking if we could have naptime. Despite this, we did manage to be somewhat productive. We reintroduced the sound ball game to the kids, and successfully managed to teach them to attach a sound to the imaginary ball.
The culmination of the class is a showcase where student pairs perform scenes that they come up with, and today we divided the class up into pairs and had them determine a plot for their scenes. The pair that I was working with had some difficulty at first coming up with an original scene (one of the students kept suggesting Veggie Tales plotlines), but they eventually decided to write a scene about two friends at a sleepover who make a prank call to someone asking for help. After realizing that they may have actually scared the person they called, the two friends call the person back to let them know they were just kidding.
After this, we had the students do an exercise where they were split into pairs again and given an open scene like this:
A: How are you today?
B: I am feeling a little sad.
A: Why?
The students then had to fill in a line describing something that makes them feel sad (there were scenes with different emotions too). This was to help students to apply an event to an emotion and to help them recognize and express those emotions, since, as I’ve mentioned, this is difficult for many autistic individuals. The exercise wasn’t hugely successful, as one student couldn’t stop laughing when he was supposed to be sad, and all the students playing A had difficulty responding to the emotion (for example, sympathy towards someone who is sad) but hopefully more practice will improve this.
Chicago Update
I did a play reading the other day. It was a group of past and present Northwestern students who had a new play and they actually wanted actors to read it instead of themselves. Natalie was already part of it so she drafted me last minute when they needed a 4th actor.
It was really fun. The talk back afterwards actually kinda blew my mind. It was like a talk back like in a rehearsal of a play(bringing up problems, parts that didn't make sense, what really happened/ they were thinking, previous events). Except the notes were for the writer and he could just change whatever he wanted in the play. Take the good ideas and mold them in to the play.. It just felt bizarre, because usually most of the questions were things actors and directors had to deal with and answer for themselves or the audience would have to make decisions on what really happened. For example: before the story, did the married man just kiss this other woman or have sex with her? The playwright can write in to make clear/define what happened now, while if it was a finished play we as actors/directors would decide ourselves. It was just a new enlightening look at making plays.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Landed in Orlando
Arrival In Orlando
Awed Arrival in Orlando
Jenny Wiley
We are busy repping Frog Prince and Annie, and crowds love the shows.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Helen, Fat Pig and Me
Friday, July 8, 2011
We're a week from opening Hairspray (which is pretty terrifying) and we start tech tonight. Two nights ago we had the sitzprobe which was pretty rough - as sitzprobes usually are. It was our first time using mics, so those were being balanced, the on-stage monitors were being used for the first time and the band was trying to stay in time with the recorded orchestra parts we're using to fill out the orchestra sound. The computer program with the digital instruments quit unexpectedly a few times and finding a balance that could be heard easily through the monitors was a struggle and a half. As I said though, not out of the ordinary for the first time with all the musical componenets.
Last night we had a "crew view" or a full run (sans orchestra and mics and tech stuff) for the crew to watch before they get stuck backstage. The cast of Hairspray Jr. also watched the run. The Hairspray Jr. situation is a pretty cool thing; since presently there is no Hairspray Jr. script in existence, the Playhouse got permission from MTI to create one from the original script. When it performs, some representitives from MTI will come watch, and potentially accept the Playhouse's rendition as the new official Hairspray Jr. to be published. I think it's neat.
Tonight we're doing a cue to cue for Act I, which, well, is what it is.
I'm hoping for a little musical theatre magic (I know it'll come) to help pull this thing together in tech week and make it a show worth seeing! Get some tickets :)
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Beauty Plays 10
Opening Night! Show #4 almost there (PRT update)
Session 2!
Its funny how teaching is almost exactly like rehearsal (sorta). Each class is 3 hours long and its hard to fill it up with information while keeping the girls motivated and paying attention. There was one day where all they wanted to talk about was boys! We were on the topic of multi-cultural communication and gender communication and a lecture that was only supposed to take 1 hour took 3, so you have to be flexible and able to adapt to the situation.
I hope everyone had a great 4th! And I hope everyone's summer is going well. I know mine is super busy with 2 jobs and all.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Beauty Plays 9
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Some Jenny Wiley stuff

The next two pictures our designer for the show Frog Prince is what I would could--lacking, so his set design did not include an essential door unit or the king and queens thrones. He had left them to the props department. So being a swing carpenter the job fell to me to swing over into props carpentry.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Finally a BREAK!!!!
The hardest part about these last couple of days is that I seem to be the only one coming early and staying late to make sure the last finishing touches are getting done and things are being put away. I get a lot of "Thank you, very much, Josh Ster"s but I just get irritated now because I'm just doing and putting forth the effort that I think other cast members should be doing, but I guess I'm wrong. Anyway, we finally get a three day break from all of this chaos so I'm going to relax and not do anything theatre related, and will be all ready to go to have a hot sweaty run of a really cool musical!!
Have a great 4th!
Mr. Ster